Lower Leg Enhancement

Goal: Reshaping and enhancing of thin calves and also the correction of lower leg asymmetry due to a disease or injuries. Correction of upper leg can be done in the same way.

Surgical Procedure: Incision, three centimeters, long is made behind the knee a space is formed under muscular fascia where a spindle-shaped silicone implant is placed.

Duration and Anesthesia: Surgery is done in peridural anesthesia and lasts about one hour.

Post Surgical Recovery: Sutures are removed after 10-14 days and physical activities such as long walks and running should be avoided for 3-4 weeks.

Rare Complications: Light swelling and rarely hematomas. Gentle pain and some discomfort during long standing and efforts may last for two months.

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.

CoCo Chanel